home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Yes
- Always
- No
- Cancel
- Ok
- Store
- F&astest
- Fast
- Normal
- Good
- Best
- Enabled
- Disabled
- Name
- Size Packed Date Time
- Size Date Time
- Absent
- Present
- ─────────────── Memory ────────────────
- ───────── Temporary directory ─────────
- ───────── Archive information ─────────
- ────────────── Settings ───────────────
- ───────── Second directory ───────(tab)
- Archive type
- Volume number
- Created
- Solid
- SelFeXtracting
- Main comment
- File comments
- Passwords
- Recovery record
- Lock
- Auth. verif.
- Dictionary
- Files
- Total length
- Packed length
- Ratio
- Version to extr.
- Host OS
- ── Second directory ──(tab)
- Copyright by Marcel Lemke
- Free memory
- Add, update, fresh, sol-delete
- Extract, view
- Path
- Space
- Encrypt files with password
- Compression level
- Dictionary size
- Add recovery record
- Add auth. verification
- Make always solid
- Create always SFX
- Add default comment file
- Type
- bytes in
- file
- files
- Free
- Hotkeys
- Alt+C Switch colour mode
- Alt+D Select dictionary size
- Alt+J DOS shell
- Alt+M Select compression level
- Alt+P Set password
- Alt+S Save setup
- Alt+T Set temporary directory
- Alt+X Exit ACE
- Function available in
- registered version only.
- Error reading file.
- Probable cause is a damaged disk.
- 1Help 2Add 3View 4Fresh 5Copy 6Move 7MkDir 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2Solid 3SFX 4Update 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7MkArch 8Repair 9EGA-M. 10
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- 1Help 2Add 3View 4 5 6 7MkDir 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2Solid 3SFX 4 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7MkArch 8Repair 9EGA-M. 10
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- 1Help 2Extr 3View 4Fresh 5Copy 6Move 7MkDir 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2Solid 3SFX 4Update 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7FilOpt 8ArcOpt 9EGA-M. 10Test
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- 1Help 2Extr 3View 4 5 6 7MkDir 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2Solid 3SFX 4 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7FilOpt 8ArcOpt 9EGA-M. 10Test
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- 1Help 2Extr 3View 4Fresh 5Copy 6Move 7 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2MkACE 3 4Update 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7 8 9EGA-M. 10Test
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- 1Help 2Extr 3View 4 5 6 7 8Delete 9Option 10Quit
- 1Drive 2MkACE 3 4 5MkCopy 6MkMove 7 8 9EGA-M. 10Test
- 1ACEDOC 2 3Name 4Extens 5Time 6Size 7Unsort 8 9 10
- Make archive
- Enter name of archive to make.
- User break
- creating archive
- Not enough space on temporary drive
- to create temporary archive.
- creating temporary archive
- analyzing
- repacking
- Header broken
- Use repair-function to recover files of
- Move files
- updating archive
- Error creating archive
- Add to archive
- Enter name of archive to add to.
- Move
- Move
- Not all selected files copied.
- Deleting will not happen.
- Make and copy
- Enter name of archive to make and to copy to.
- is read-only, hidden or system-file.
- Copy
- Copy
- Delete it anyway?
- deleting
- Delete
- Delete
- Modify of volumes impossible.
- Change archive-options first.
- Modify of locked archives impossible.
- Create new archive to do so.
- Authenticity verification-check error.
- AV has been manipulated or does not match yours.
- Modify of archive requires higher version of ACE.
- Call technical support or use given web-sites.
- Found recovery data
- Found no recovery data
- Error while opening
- Repair
- Unable to repair archive by recovery data.
- Recovery data damaged.
- Too many bytes damaged.
- Archive repaired
- Archive is not damaged, repairing not possible
- Scanning for headers
- Archive-header broken
- Mark archive as solid?
- Add
- Add
- to archive? (Size
- Packed
- File-header broken
- Found
- archive-header
- Test
- testing
- archive
- CRC-check error. Archive broken or password incorrect.
- Recreation failed.
- Repacking failed. Operation aborted.
- Error while recreating archive
- Files can be found at
- Archive is already solid:
- Error while writing
- Error while reading
- Archive is already self-extracting:
- Adding SFX-module to multiple-volume archive impossible.
- Use recreate (by pressing ALT+F8).
- Warning
- You wanted to use SFXJR on an archive with
- a dictionary greater than 256k. Switching to SFXSR.
- encrypted files. Switching to SFXSR.
- File already exists:
- Encrypt
- Junior SFX-archives do not provide decryption!
- Recreate archive using senior SFX-module before encryption.
- encrypting
- CRC-check error. Password might be incorrect.
- Encryption failed.
- File comment
- adding comment to
- Contents of
- Not enough space to save
- Could not create file in current temporary directory.
- Disk is write-protected or directory does not exist.
- Not enough memory to perform operation.
- Select smaller dictionary size and try again.
- copying
- to
- File does not exist:
- Exclude paths
- Error excluding paths: two or more
- specified files have the same name.
- to create temporary file.
- Second directory is part of first directory.
- Delete would effect copied files.
- Working
- Creating listfile. Please wait.
- No files specified.
- Operation aborted.
- Invalid list file.
- Found binary character.
- Sorting files. Please wait.
- Is no ACE archive:
- Reading archive. Please wait.
- Could not open file:
- Error while reading archive.
- Archive is broken.
- looking for
- Ready to process
- New Path
- Enter new source path.
- File not found or archive broken.
- processing
- Ready to process next volume
- Error creating volume
- File compressed with unknown method.
- Decompression not possible.
- Extract
- Not enough memory or dictionary of archive too large.
- Reduce compression dictionary size. Then try again.
- Authenticity verification of archive is broken.
- Archive too old or created with non-original program!
- Select drive
- Found read-only, hidden or system-file.
- Could not delete file or directory.
- Deleting
- Make directory
- Enter directory to make.
- Could not create directory:
- Search
- Select files
- Unselect files
- Enter file-mask.
- 1Help 2Wrap 3 4 5 6 7Search 8CnSear 9 10Return
- 1Help 2Unwrap 3 4 5 6 7Search 8CnSear 9 10Return
- Error opening file.
- Access denied.
- Are you sure?
- View
- Col
- Enter search-string.
- Searching not succesful.
- String not found.
- Disk might be write-protected.
- Name is used by a file.
- Overwrite?
- Overwrite
- Copying
- Could not create destination file.
- Disk-access-error.
- Not enough space on destination-disk to copy
- Fresh
- Fresh
- Update
- Update
- Copy is not possible.
- Directories are equal.
- Copy all files of multiple-volume archive?
- directory
- Not enough space on temporary drive to continue.
- Select new temp-path and repeat operation.
- Enter directory for temporary files
- Choose a non-write-protected, fast drive.
- Specify full path of:
- Directory does not exist:
- Length of temporary path might cause problems.
- Choose shorter one.
- Error while saving setup at
- Archive options
- ┌──────────────────┐ ┌─ Dictionary ──┐
- │ [ ] Solid │ │ ( ) 32 K │
- │ [ ] SFX │ │ ( ) 64 K │
- │ [ ] Encrypted │ │ ( ) 128 K │
- │ [ ] Recovery rec │ │ ( ) 256 K │
- │ [ ] Auth verific │ │ ( ) 512 K │
- │ [ ] Main comment │ │ ( ) 1024 K │
- └──────────────────┘ └───────────────┘
- ┌─ Volume size ────────────────────────┐
- │ ( ) none │ ( ) 1.2 M │
- │ ( ) Autodetect │ ( ) 1.44 M │
- │ Thnd │ ( ) 2.88 M │
- └──────────────────────────────────────┘
- Volume size
- Enter volume size (in Thousands).
- Invalid volume size.
- Must be greater than 64K.
- Set compression level
- Select dictionary size
- Recreate
- Lock archive
- Edit main comment
- Add &recovery record
- Add auth. verific.
- Add &SFX-modul
- File options
- Encrypt
- Edit file &comment
- Password
- Enter password.
- Reenter password.
- Passwords do not match.
- Try again.
- Options
- Shell options
- External programs
- Set temporary directory
- Archive options
- S&hell options
- External programs
- Set &temporary directory
- Save Setup
- ┌─ Archive options ────────────┐ ┌─ SFX module to use ──────┐
- │ [ ] Make always solid │ │ ( ) Senior SFX-module │
- │ [ ] Add recovery record │ │ ( ) Junior SFX-module │
- │ [ ] Default comment file │ └──────────────────────────┘
- │ [ ] Encrypt files │
- │ [ ] Add auth. verif. │ ┌─ Extract ────────────────┐
- │ [ ] CRC-Check after add │ │ [ ] Use cur. password │
- │ [ ] Do not compress archives │ │ [ ] View comments │
- └──────────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
- ┌─ Dictionary ┐ ┌─ Level ─────┐
- │ ( ) 32 K │ │ ( ) Store │ [ ] Command line log file
- │ ( ) 64 K │ │ ( ) Fastest │
- │ ( ) 128 K │ │ ( ) Fast │
- │ ( ) 256 K │ │ ( ) Normal │
- │ ( ) 512 K │ │ ( ) Good │
- │ ( ) 1024 K │ │ ( ) Best │
- └─────────────┘ └─────────────┘
- ┌─ Detect archives ────────┐ ┌─ Show archives ──────────┐
- │ ( ) No detection │ │ [ ] Highlight archives │
- │ ( ) By extension │ │ [ ] Arrange archives │
- │ ( ) By file content │ │ [ ] Archive information │
- └──────────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────┘
- ┌─ Sort files ─────────────┐ ┌─ Display mode ───────────┐
- │ ( ) By name │ │ [ ] colour │
- │ ( ) By extension │ │ [ ] 43/50 lines │
- │ ( ) By time │ └──────────────────────────┘
- │ ( ) By size │
- │ ( ) Unsorted │
- └──────────────────────────┘
- Programs called at &F3
- Programs called at &Enter
- External programs called pressing %s
- - free -
- Files:
- Command:
- Command line log file
- Enter file to log command line output to.
- Number too long or containing
- unallowed char.
- Time-out error!
- <-Press any key to continue->
- Could not open source file.
- Disk-access-error or file already in use.
- Copy of this file to current archive-dir impossible.
- Resulting file name too long.
- Source is directory, destination is file.
- Delete directory first
- Tried to overwrite directory with file.
- Overwrite it anyway?
- adding
- Call error
- Could not find executable:
- Fatal error
- The file ACE.EXE has been modified.
- File possibly infected by a virus.
- Error while creating destination file
- Not enough space on destination drive to extract
- extracting
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Delall 9 10Return
- Enter default file for main comment.
- Found encrypted file.
- Use current password?
- Found encrypted file. No password specified.
- Not enough memory to handle file names.
- Make more memory available. Then try again.
- Could not read disk in drive
- Enter new drive.
- Insert disk.
- Error
- Directories
- Time
- Estimated
- Read
- Write
- Actions
- CRC-check error
- CRC-check error on
- # On-line-Help of the ACE-archiver
- Use the cursor keys to switch between the different pages.
- Press <Ctrl+F1> to view ACE.DOC.
- #Second directory:
- ACE uses two directories for some of its operations.
- These are COPY MOVE FRESH and UPDATE. The SOURCE directory is listed in
- the left window. The path of the second directory is listed in the
- bottom right hand corner of the right window. To toggle between the two
- directories, press <TAB>. To EXTRACT files, enter an archive (move the
- cursor on the name of the archive file and press <enter>), select files
- and press <F5>. The files will be extracted to the destination in the
- second directory. To ADD files to an existing archive, enter the archive
- and press <TAB> to make the archive the 'other' directory. Now, select
- files in the source and press <F5>.
- #The following two pages are giving a summary of the function keys.
- # always in directory in archive
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- F1 view help
- F2 add files to archive test files of archive
- F3 view file
- F4 fresh 2nd directory
- F5 copy selected files
- F6 move selected files
- F7 make directory
- F8 delete selected files
- F9 change options
- F10 quit program
- Alt+F1 select drive
- Alt+F2 create solid archive make archive solid
- Alt+F3 create SFX-archive make archive SFX
- #These functions are explained in more detail in the file ACE.DOC.
- # always in directory in archive
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Alt+F4 update 2nd directory
- Alt+F5 make archive & copy
- Alt+F6 make archive & move
- Alt+F7 make archive change file options
- Alt+F8 change archive options
- Alt+F9 set EGA mode
- ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Alt+C Switch colour-mode Ctrl+F1 view ACE.DOC
- Alt+D Select dictionary size Ctrl+F3 sort files after name
- Alt+J DOS shell Ctrl+F4 ~ extension
- Alt+M Select compression level Ctrl+F5 ~ time
- Alt+S Save setup Ctrl+F6 ~ size
- Alt+T Set temporary directory Ctrl+F7 list files unsorted
- #These functions are explained in more detail in the file ACE.DOC.
- #Dictionary size:
- Increasing the dictionary size will improve
- compression ratio but will also increase the required memory for
- compression and decompression. You have to know:
- If there is no EMS/XMS available, the SFX-module will
- only be able to decompress archives with a dictionary up to 256K.
- #Compression level:
- A better compression level will give better
- results in compression. Instead of affecting the memory requirements
- it will only affect the time to compress. Select the best balance
- according to your needs.
- #Solid archiving:
- This is another method to improve compression. The
- disadvantage of it is that the whole archive needs to be decompressed
- in case you add or extract one or more files. The penalty becomes even
- worse when you delete one or more files since it requires not only
- decompression but also re-compression of the entire archive.
- #Which options should satisfy your needs?
- Do you need good compression/have enough memory?
- Choose a large dictionary! (Limit it to 256K when using SFX-module)
- Do you need good compression/have enough time?
- Choose solid archiving and a high compression level!
- Will you update your archive frequently/compression needn't be best?
- Do not select solid archiving!
- #Temporary directory:
- Use the fastest drive you have access to for
- this directory in order to improve ACE's performance. At startup, this
- points to the TEMP or TMP environment variable in your autoexec.bat file
- (if present). Note that if you run Windows95 (TM) it will point to your
- Windows TEMP directory.
- #Encryption/decryption of files in archives
- The compression/decompression password will be set to the general
- password, which can be set at the main screen. Changing the compression
- password in the archive option window or changing the decompression
- password will not affect the general password.
- If the option always 'use current password' is disabled, or if there is
- no general password you will be asked which password is to be used to
- decrypt encrypted files.
- The password won't be saved in the archive or in the setup file.
- This will protect against hackers but you have to keep the password
- in your mind! The author of ACE is unable to recover lost passwords.
- #More information
- can be found in the file ACE.DOC. This online-help
- function is only ought to give a brief introduction into the shell
- of ACE to get started with it. If the file ACE.DOC is present in
- the start directory of ACE you can view it by pressing <Ctrl+F1>.
- # Cursor movement Functions
- Line up F1 Help
- Line down F2 Toggle wrap/unwrap
- Char left F7 Search
- Char right F8 Continue search
- Pgup Page up F10 Return
- Pgdn Page down Shift+F7 Continue search
- Home Top of file Ctrl+ Scroll left
- End End of file Ctrl+ Scroll right
- Help - page
- Thanks to Harald Feldmann (http://www.xs4all.nl/~feldmann) for optimizing ACE.
- This program is SHAREWARE. You have to REGISTER after a 30 days test period.
- Usage: ACE <command> [-<sw1> ...] <archive> [<base_dir>\] [<files>/@<filelist>]
- <Examples>
- Add *.GIF of current directory and subdirectories to unsolid archive PICS
- ACE a -r -s- PICS *.GIF
- Add current directory to solid archive TEST with a dictionary of 512Kb
- ACE a -s -d512 TEST
- Create TEXT.ACE, add TEXT, add a recovery record to the archive and lock it
- ACE a -rr -k TEXT TEXT
- Extract all files of archive ARC with full path to C:\TEMP
- ACE x -r -tC:\TEMP ARC
- <Commands>
- a Add files to archive m Move files to archive
- cf Add comment to files r Repair archive
- cm Add main comment reg Register ACE
- cw Write main comment to file rr Add recovery record
- d Delete files from archive s Convert to SFX
- e Extract to current directory t Test files in archive
- f Freshen files in archive u Update archive
- k Lock archive v Verbosely list of archive contents
- l List contents of archive x Extract files with full path
- <Switches>
- av[-] Add AV s[-] Create solid archive
- bw[-] Black-and-white mode sfx[-/jr] Add (junior) SFX-module
- c[-] Show comments std[-] Standard output mode
- cfg- Use defaults t<dir> Set temporary directory
- cm[-] Add main comment tk[-] Keep archive time
- d<size> Set dictionary size tl[-] Set archive time to last file
- ep[-] Exclude paths o[-] Overwrite existing files
- err<file> Error output file out<file> Moves output to <file>
- f[-] Use full path of match v[-] Autodetect volume size
- m<0..5> Set compression level v<size> Set vol. size to <size>*1000
- k[-] Lock archive x<files> Exclude <files> from process
- p<pass> Set password x@<list> Exclude files in list file
- r[-] Recurse subdirectories y[-] Assume yes on all queries
- rr[-] Add recovery record z<file> Comment file
- command line
- Error opening output file
- Unknown command
- Switch error
- Unknown switch
- Error at -d: possible values are
- Invalid compression level.
- Possible values: 0..5
- Error: archive not specified
- List file does not exist
- No valid archive format
- File not found
- Extra characters on line
- Wildcards in archive name at these operations not allowed:
- Add, Move, Update and Fresh
- No such archive found:
- processing archive
- Date │Time │Packed │Size │Ratio│File
- Archive
- Volume
- SFX-volume
- Solid-arc
- Solid-vol
- Solid-SFX
- Sol-SFX-vol
- Enter destination directory.
- ACE.DOC: ACE help file
- adding recovery record
- locking archive
- keeping
- Not enough space to save new archive.
- Enter new destination path.
- Be sure about enough space. There are
- bytes required.
- Enter new destination path (ESC to cancel saving)
- File exists
- Overwrite existing archive?
- Could not open archive:
- Create new archive
- Found existing archive-file, overwrite
- Could not open archive for update (probably read only!):
- created on
- with ver
- by
- Error opening ACE.DOC.
- File not present in ACE-directory.
- REG.
- no AV
- Error while reading ACE.KEY.
- Registration check failed.
- Registration
- Replace existing registration data?
- Could not create
- Registration: General key
- You own a general key only. Full registration is free.
- You can order your OWN AV-string! Please read FREE.DOC.
- Enter your user name
- Input the name you gave to the registration site.
- Enter your AV-string
- Input the AV-string you ordered at the registration site.
- Check on registration key failed.
- Make sure you input it correctly.
- Register ACE
- Please enter the Registration Code. (ESC to Cancel)
- Registration process
- was successful.
- The existing registration code is
- added
- extracted
- listed
- tested
- %s: %d files, totaling %s bytes (compressed %s)
- Total
- Destination file for comment must not contain wildcards.
- Specify valid file name please.
- (Enter comment please, press CTRL+Z for end)
- Got CRC check errors on %d %s.
- AUTHOR: Marcel Lemke
- MZÄ ÄΦ @ V ▓ î╚Ä╪φ Ä└P╛┤ 3 ⁿ╢╜y ╒rñδ∙ ╒s ╒s=╗É 3╔ ╙ ╙ ╙ ╙ï┘▒à█u4ôδ6ΦC IIu
- .ï Φ7 δ I¼èß.ú ôΦ) â√w°δ ¼3╔╨Φt+ÿôâ╤≈█&è¬Γ·δú■╬u¼Æ╢╥├╣ ╒sΦ δ≈ ╒╔├[Ä█≥`║ÇôÄ╨3ΣΩφ
- $ Could╬n╬tücrea█ƒ¡i∩├o¿y.¢"╬ns╞inΦoδ±f╒l·L)ACE-SFXáMOD=ULç jr.Cve»G1r2b`Fpyⁿi gh πÖMa∞cewltL1mk₧19┼7▒~ëEr╟ε╞Pen╝MgZ3.c,ueôèûô ╤xtαacÿàò=I▌v∙l≈g<╡h}≥8ôu|t┘ÜFc╦ªΦIVì▀{¿Ö╖i:?ä4îƒ╥mvEYIR█║zIj+;WIZΩ;µtCRΣ-╘┬ !k╕ΦOHKE¥£ôºΣ╠╦╧s╡X9╞¥µEhÅ?f(Y6
- /Can)╦═FI[╩╥äodyùΘ⌡p* Nóplöñ0Öƒ2&0&╠àN¬á╡ál∩╣ l├v320Kå₧qu╠δdcUPs¢│b┴k ╔║╕Câ>n½ct╫ôq│╕═!╣p 3÷┤Aì>σqƒ&├╙9₧b ïp┤B╟║╗â╛pìNl"yäδ3┤=s8 ╠-%?ß├÷£o42█πï┴╝ ¼
- └tè╨╧s⌡└Uï∞âF;:nHá. èN ]Φ4Θ&╨8┬.ΦVt■8 vΦ,%\o>ï GΦ+ 7¿X╓L₧2 ]┤ ▌,C├┐α3█Σ╥{ïz╣α╤rΩ?╪sÇ5 âü≥╕φΓ±½ï┬1■├uµG╖ UΦ"αë±╦~╟^è╪'─'Γ ╓2÷&µF╤π3ç▌ÆùÇâΘs▀├)'pºnÆπ3└úCÇ¢Eÿí,ï==O;ë║Q├╤8∞âπ $≡°▀#┘ë>K<fM<ïΘ ─~≡6Hpçtr&╤Γα6GÇIL╒═ε2Σ<CtGGGYG EyYJBjµ∙üU╛87
- 0├Φß■²÷éêG⌠┐≥╚P¡ö¼än)<\ºÉ¬δ⌠Ç} :G╞║:Φa■Ñ]X£\G{¥{╪{è └├íº¿u1∙|!ú"÷ù5π7τ£,└@ó ▀Ñ í"EtÇ>á┘H╨ ═²r╧ï.ª%uΦn▓Ç╞K sÇ&▄D=&-û;:z╔'▌╡▀.╞■%
- #∙ráïáñ<ÇΘ£╙Φç╩÷┘ù┴Ü_k@πKï·#∞≈σ╨√╟├W'
- ╨ 'Γ╗╠"┤°<!├╫_LNsΓ╗;▀ñ¿vW ~èNFp8w√GO▐¥|Ç;≈ VW8ΦY_^FOrπëv■1~ⁿï⌡⌠╟s1@ │nB║▒δ£üè
- : *Æ■═H>▄HΩ°═HWJ⌠Φûù$─8ç]~┬αP┬ åê└$ºó9÷ ïç\ë%ìRXP┐S>≤0ÿ0C;╪~⌡PΦêL°Ä&$º╖úπ╕í#pñt%à╥u;"ury3É(ºñKt*⌠╚ñm╠>?(┼V▀¥ⁿs;▐╢éfí)V╥üIç1 φ'ôû╨I&vÅæ░.╪ΩHîÆ╚Rà0EA²íñOëF■^wi┌&πP╓BαD├Ä└ñà uÇ╟ÿτ?Γ-∞0;X' ²X]o
- ü.B≈■ûjÉ√╛7lÑ─P½â╟ç%,]2
- °X?╥$∩W,Rí' ┴ï╪╤δ£1~%┬─?ü>ôI╠Φ¼ñc╤τR(n.ïòPîà║Φ6■~g#!C╣ â+9Φ╩²Y[Bƒ╤@╪ⁿZX_└┬Q≈┘â┴ íOl╟jÆ<fI¥╩J┐PNA≤∞ô╘╜Φl:■δ╨ÇPæP▐╝Ñαñ3 v╜Lß`&G=δ÷|sù<─^&╞*=)Dï≈¡╗èdN@v▀╕É
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